Let's read it all through together and think about it. Comments welcome.
Update: Hmm, just fired up my Google Reader and see that Glenn Greenwald has covered some similar territory in a post yesterday called "Who is doing real journalism?" Add this to the files.
More food for thought: "Who's a journalist?" That's the question raised by Scott Gant, a Washington attorney specializing in constitutional law, in an opinion piece in the July 28 issue of the Los Angeles Times. Gant focuses specifically on whether a federal press shield law now being considered by Congress should cover bloggers and others outside the "mainstream media." Gant's piece is nicely nuanced, but his conclusion is clear: "The freedom of the press is a right and a privilege that belongs to all of us. And if Congress enacts a shield law, it ought to be one that reflects the reality that we're all capable of being journalists now."
Anne G