Could there be a bigger joke than John McCain calling Barack Obama the "
Redistributionist-in-Chief?" This is the guy who has voted against the minimum wage and other measures to give workers basic protections against exploitation
time and time again. Instead of sidestepping this charge, Obama should turn it around on McCain with both barrels. There is no bigger redistribution of wealth in this country than that caused by the wage exploitation that is leading to an ever increasing gap between rich and poor, and which is the result of policies that McCain has supported unwaveringly. Obama is not a socialist nor a Marxist, but that does not mean Marx was wrong about how the rich get rich: By expropriating as much wealth as possible from those who really create it.
Update: Obama is speaking to a large crowd in Chester,
Pennsylvania this morning, and he is doing a good job hitting on these issues.
Like, socialism. That's the title of a Hendrik Hertzberg
comment in the new
New Yorker. Great stuff (hat tip to JM for the alert.)
Capitalists for socialism? I wonder why the
Financial Times has
endorsed Obama...
Barack Obama 2008!
Michelle Obama 2016!