Well, it's nice that the Vatican forgave John Lennon for his statement. I remember the outrage it provoked at the time, but a lot of htat was taken out of context(it was actually a comment about the seeming irrelevance of religious faith and tradition). So if somebody is "in another time zone", it's the Vatican and its Vaticanoids, not "Catholics" in general,necessarily. Anne G
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Quotes of the Moment
"Lying is done with words and also with silence." --Adrienne Rich
I have been a working journalist for more than 40 years, beginning in Los Angeles as an investigative reporter and then in Paris as a travel, food, and science writer. For more than 20 years I have covered anthropology and archaeology writer for Science, Audubon, Scientific American, SAPIENS, and other publications. I have also covered sexual misconduct for The Verge, Scientific American, and others; I write about mental health, especially schizophrenia; and I engage in occasional media criticism. I returned to the USA in October 2017 after 30 years in Paris, and now live in the New York City area, where I currently teach journalism at City College of New York (I previously taught journalism at Boston University and New York University.)
For more about me and what I do, copies of my articles, information about my book, and other goodies, please visit
But yeah, Catholics are in some other time zone. I should know, I'm one of 'em.
Anne G