The link is free for four weeks from today, so please give it a read. The photo in the inset depicts the unappetizing wild ancestor of maize, teosinte, which eventually was domesticated and took on the form we eat today (the yellow ear pictured is a genetic reconstruction, from crossing teosinte with modern maize, of what the earliest maize might have looked like.)
Photo credits: (rock) Anthony Ranere; (teosinte/maize) John Doebley
No doubt about Mt. Redoubt. Wow, now that the eruption is causing havoc and cancelled flights in Alaska, I will bet Governor Sarah Palin is pretty peeved with Bobby Jindal's dissing of volcano research right about now, right? Right?
When university journalism profs do their job too well. They don't get tenure. That's what happened to Christina Kopinski at Clark College in Washington state, anyway.
There's really no reason why a variety of different factors could not be reasons for teosinte being cultivated into edible corn.
Look at coconuts:
- The sap from the flower stem is still, today, tapped off to make alcoholic tuba, coconut 'wine'. That means prematurely cutting off the flowers, that could produce coconuts full of carbohydrates and useful cooking and fuel oil.
Immediate pleasure before ultimate gain.
- Wild coconuts - see:
have very small fruits; nothing like modern human-selected and cultivated ones.
At some time, or more probably, over a very long time gradient, the starchy fruit became more valuable than the juice.
This was probably about the time when, world-wide, everybody entered the 'Neolithic Era' and started growing their own starchy food crops.
The same progression might be true of our own Western crops: