A waste of fossil fuels, a waste of human energy, and quite frankly, a scam on those people who can afford gardeners because these guys spend all their time blowing leaves around (I have observed this many times) and running up the timeclock--which would be fine except the rest of us suffer from noise and greenhouse gas pollution. And can someone tell me why having a few leaves here and there on the grass is so terrible?
Something else that should be abolished. Israeli "settlements" in the West Bank. Tony Judt makes the case today in a New York Times opinion piece, although he provides little hope that it will ever happen.
And they're not just about blowing things, their have a vacuum mode also that gathers the debriefs and stores them in a pack.
As for the leafs on the grass. I believe you don't have a lawn with lots of trees to see how hard it is to keep it clean... And leaving those leaves there is not a solution, as they will rot and stink. Not to mention that you can also be fined if you don't take care of your yard.
Am i right or not? I know i'm right but please correct me if you can :)
and don't forget about the birds. i have noticed the birds communicate at night now.
it's very stressful trying to enjoy the great outdoors when leaf blowers are in use.
These misguided illconceived contraptions need to be banned!