Leonard Cohen is on the European stretch of his
world tour, and of course Balter's Blog was on the scene when he played at Bercy in Paris last night. A perfect concert, really, Cohen in great voice and spirits, not to mention physically in great shape (prancing on and off the stage as he made his entries and exits), great musicians and backup singers (including his collaborator
Sharon Robinson), and a great choice of songs (well, with the generous three hours he gave the wildly appreciative audience, Cohen had time to sing a lot of them.)
If you have the chance to see Cohen on this tour, please be sure you do. It may be his last one ever, the man is nearly 75 years old and would probably not be on the road were it not for his current financial troubles, which I won't get into here. But every cloud has a silver lining, and for his fans, getting a chance to see and hear him in person one last time has got to be it.