On Science's Origins blog, I write about a new study that might shed new light on the differences between chimp and human brains in a region closely associated with language, Broca's area. But the jury is still out on the study's true significance. Read it at the link.
Credit: Patrick Hof.
Anger has its place. An important column in today's New York Times by Bob Herbert, who takes vehement issue with attempts to smooth over the racism that was behind the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr.
I really like Bob Herbert. And I think he's right, because apparently no matter what they do, blacks and other "minorities"(and this includes Muslims, IMO), they can't do anything right. President Obama was criticized for saying the cop acted "stupidly", and then he sort of backtracked. Gates yelled at the cop for not believing Gates was who he was, in his own home, and people reacted, etc., etc., etc., and yet people are saying we're "post racial", whatever that's supposed to mean. We aren't. And I wish Herbert's column ran in our only local newspaper. . . . Anne G
My book about Neolithic Catalhoyuk in Turkey and the origins of civilization, the paperback edition. For more information about it, please visit MY WEB SITE
Quotes of the Moment
"Lying is done with words and also with silence." --Adrienne Rich
I have been a working journalist for more than 40 years, beginning in Los Angeles as an investigative reporter and then in Paris as a travel, food, and science writer. For more than 20 years I have covered anthropology and archaeology writer for Science, Audubon, Scientific American, SAPIENS, and other publications. I have also covered sexual misconduct for The Verge, Scientific American, and others; I write about mental health, especially schizophrenia; and I engage in occasional media criticism. I returned to the USA in October 2017 after 30 years in Paris, and now live in the New York City area, where I currently teach journalism at City College of New York (I previously taught journalism at Boston University and New York University.)
For more about me and what I do, copies of my articles, information about my book, and other goodies, please visit
Anne G