It's times like these that I get pretty fed up with the blogosphere, the punditosphere, and all the other spheres of empty talk. The Nobel committee is not going to take back Obama's Peace Prize no matter what anyone says, so why don't the critics give it a rest and tell us what they are doing for peace themselves. How about a donation to a peace organization or a group working for nuclear disarmament, for starters? There are also organizations working to stop the world-wide arms trade. But perhaps it is easier for those who have never lifted a finger for world peace to question the modest but non-negligible efforts that Obama and his team have actually made.
Update. Despite the cacophony there has been some intelligent comment, and as usual some of the best of it comes
from Glenn Greenwald.
Update II: More good sense, even if it doesn't agree with Greenwald's take on things,
from Tim Rutten at the
Los Angeles Times. I personally tend to agree more with Rutten than with Greenwald, even though both make good and relevant points.
Anne G
On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh, the designated leader of the Republican Party (the "loyal opposition", heh heh), said he agrees with Iran and the Taliban that Obama does not deserve the prize.