I reported earlier about the Title IX investigation against former University of Alaska, Anchorage archaeologist David Yesner, who was found guilty of multiple counts of sexual misconduct and banned from campus. The university police have now issued a campus-wide alert against Yesner and asked the university community to report him immediately if spotted. Perhaps this is a good example of how all institutions should deal with sexual predators?
Here is the announcement:
From: UAA Community
Date: April 8, 2019 at 4:41:58 PM AKDT To: "uaa_community_dl@lists.uaa.alaska.edu" <uaa_community_dl@lists.uaa.alaska.edu> Subject: From the University Police Department Trespassed Subject Reply-To: <uaa_chancellor@alaska.edu>
UAA Police Department
TO: UAA Community Re: Dr. David Yesner - Participation Ban and Trespass from Campus Dr. David Yesner has been banned and trespassed from all property owned, controlled, or used by the University of Alaska, including but not limited to UAA campuses. If you see him or become aware of his presence in any such location please inform the UA person in charge of that location and contact the UAA Police Department at 907-786-1120 or other law enforcement personnel without delay. UA location managers should inform Dr. Yesner that police have been contacted and direct him to leave the premises. In addition, Dr. Yesner is banned from participation, affiliation or association of any kind with the University of Alaska, including public or private events or activities sponsored or hosted by UA or by third party UA affiliates, whether or not on UA property. If you learn of Dr. Yesner's participation in any such event or activity, please inform event personnel and contact the UAA Provost's office at 907-786-1494.