Everyone seemed to like my sunrise over the Indian Ocean yesterday, so here is a photo of a river in KwaZulu-Natal. I can't tell you what river, …
Read moreI'm just back from South Africa, a memorable trip. I will have to tell you later what I was doing there, but in the meantime here is a view of th…
Read moreI'm back in Paris after a family holiday in Rome and Pompei between Christmas and New Year's Eve (we celebrated the New Year in the taxi comi…
Read moreMy good friend Alice Greenfield McGrath died yesterday, age 92. A fighter against injustice all her life, she is probably best known as the model for…
Read moreOkay, I have a confession to make: Despite more than a decade covering human evolution for Science and other publications, it has taken me until thi…
Read moreOn my way back to Paris via Barcelona, but had a chance this morning to run around Tarragona with my camera. Well worth a visit. The inhabitants live…
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