A friend has asked me to pass the following on, and I am happy to do so. Lou Dobbs is the worst kind of racist scumbag, and I think it's just a matter of time before CNN realizes that he is a liability. Of course, we can count on Fox "News" to pick him up if so, but at least he will be more in his element.
Dear friends and family,
We've been talking about how Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck are promoting hatred of Latinos and other minorities in our country on our airwaves. We know that hate kills. Hate spread by a major media outlet, considered very credible is intolerable and extremely dangerous to our democracy as well as to individual human beings. This affects each of us, even if we are not latino.
In just one week, CNN will launch its “Latino in America” series, which tells the stories of Latinos from across the country. There’s just one thing missing: Lou Dobbs. That’s right. Four hours about the Latino experience in America, and not a word about the man who spends every weeknight telling lies about immigrants and spreading fear and hatred toward Latinos.
Together with award-winning filmmaker Arturo Perez, we're calling out CNN's hypocrisy with a powerful new video: “CNN: Lou Dobbs or Latinos in America?” Please help us grow the campaign by watching the video and sharing it far and wide.
The campaign against Lou Dobbs, is clearly getting to him. He’s railed against us on his radio show,1 and rumors are now swirling that he’s looking for other jobs at more conservative networks2. Now is the time to keep the pressure on. Please watch the video, and then share it with your friends and family. We’ve set up a special page to make it easy:
Thank you and Adelante!
Favianna, Roberto, Laurie and the rest of the Presente.Org team
1. “Dobbs Takes Aim at HuffPost Critic,” Huffington Post, 9-23-2009 http://tinyurl.com/lrnbdx
2. “Fox’s Volley With Obama Intensifying,” New York Times, 10-11-2009 http://tinyurl.com/yg5qf9w
Roman Polanski. Some interesting background and perspective on the case in Slate.
Lou Dobbs has to be one of the most disgusting people I have ever heard, re immigration and Latinos. His anti-immigrant garbage isn't even new. They were saying much the same things about people(often Jews) from Central and Eastern Europe 100 years ago, as well as (mostly) Italians from Southern Europe. And don't even get me started on what they said about Japanese and Chinese immigrants. Dobbs is an idiot, and that's the kindest way I can put it, and I hope CNN listens to the protesters and dumps him forthwith.
My book about Neolithic Catalhoyuk in Turkey and the origins of civilization, the paperback edition. For more information about it, please visit MY WEB SITE
Quotes of the Moment
"Lying is done with words and also with silence." --Adrienne Rich
I have been a working journalist for more than 40 years, beginning in Los Angeles as an investigative reporter and then in Paris as a travel, food, and science writer. For more than 20 years I have covered anthropology and archaeology writer for Science, Audubon, Scientific American, SAPIENS, and other publications. I have also covered sexual misconduct for The Verge, Scientific American, and others; I write about mental health, especially schizophrenia; and I engage in occasional media criticism. I returned to the USA in October 2017 after 30 years in Paris, and now live in the New York City area, where I currently teach journalism at City College of New York (I previously taught journalism at Boston University and New York University.)
For more about me and what I do, copies of my articles, information about my book, and other goodies, please visit
Lou Dobbs has to be one of the most disgusting people I have ever heard, re immigration and Latinos. His anti-immigrant garbage isn't even new. They were saying much the same things about people(often Jews) from Central and Eastern Europe 100 years ago, as well as (mostly) Italians from Southern Europe. And don't even get me started on what they said about Japanese and Chinese immigrants. Dobbs is an idiot, and that's the kindest way I can put it, and I hope CNN listens to the protesters and dumps him forthwith.